Writing the City-The Journalism of Architecture and Urbanism Post-Katrina

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:29 PM

WHAT: A panel discussion about architecture and

WHEN: Wednesday, October 19, 2005
7 pm – cocktails
7:30 – 7:45 Excerpt from John Crowther’s
8 – 9 pm PANEL

WHERE: Los Angeles Press Club
Steve Allen Theater
4773 Hollywood Blvd.
(Across from Barnsdall Art Park, 2 blocks west of
Vermont in Hollywood)

WHO: Dana Cuff, Professor, UCLA School of
Architecture/Urban Design
Greg Goldin, LA Magazine
John Crowther, Creator, MEET MR. WRIGHT
(other panelists tba.)

MODERATOR: Frances Anderton, KCRW

What are journalists getting right?
What aren’t they tackling?
What’s a way to be sure they do so?
After Katrina, what should the role of architecture
and urban journalists be in influencing policy?

Q&A to follow.

This event will be part of Archifest, the month-long celebration of Architecture going around town. It also happens the first night of the FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT conference at the Biltmore.
Co-sponsored by PR Newswire.

PARKING: Free, behind the building.

COST: None.

RSVP to: [email protected]

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